Tutorial: Event names and data

Event names and data

Explaination - missing information in react-native-voice docs

In my opinion react-native-voice fails to properly document available events, their meaning, triggering order that should be expected and data received with events. Read on for missing documentation on this.

Events list and their meaning

Note: This was verified on Android device only. iOS experiments will be documented here later.

Note: Nothing here is guaranted to be true, everything here is a documented result of experiments.


start looks like a indicator that voice is

  • started being recorded by device
  • started being sent over to recognition server

Yes, this means start is triggered twice on successful voice recognition. start is triggered once on erroneous voice recognition, when there is no Internet connection.


end looks like indicator that sound is no longer being sent to recognition server. Recognition still happens on server after the event is triggered.

This means end is NOT triggered on erroneous voice recognition, when there is no Internet connection. end will however be triggered when there was no words recognized. end will be also triggered when sending data to server was started but was interrupted (lost connection).


volumeChanged is triggered many times, every few ms. It is all over between other events. It's usually triggered few times before start, it's triggered few times after end and even after results. Doesn't look useful.

Note: Currently all events after results or error events are muted and unlistenable due to actions this wrapper does to differentiate which instance should receive the event. Usually this means few volumeChanged events to be skipped. This is not very useful as after results or error events voice recognition is stopped anyway.

This may change in the future.


partialResults is usually triggered few times during recognition.


results is the final result of recognition.


It seems to never be triggered, react-native-voice notes that it should be triggered on both iOS and Android.


error is triggered when recognition fails due to no connection or connection broken in the middle. Probably triggered when server fails for some reason too.

Data of events

Note: This was verified on Android device only. iOS experiments will be documented here later.

In general - data structure of events data are always the same. So you don't need to worry that instead of object you'll get null or object without expected value key but with error key instead.


{ error: false }

Always just this.


{ error: false }

Always just this, even when connection fails.


{ value: VALUE_HERE }

In general - VALUE_HERE seems to be positive value when device hears something (the bigger the value - the louder the sound) and negative when there is silence. However the values seems to be hardcoded into few constants:

  • on silence:
    • -2.119999885559082
    • -2
  • on voice:
    • 1.6000001430511475
    • 2.8000001907348633
    • 4
    • 5.200000286102295
    • 6.399999618530273
    • 8.799999237060547
    • 10


{ value: [""] }

The array length is always 1, but the string may be empty.


    value: [
        "possible value number one",
        "possible value number two",

This array has length of 1 or more. If recognition server is unsure what was said - it sends few possible texts as a whole sentence.


It seems to never be triggered, despite react-native-voice notes that it should be triggered on both iOS and Android. Anyway, accorting to original documentation it should contain always just this:

{ error: false }


{ error: "1/Description" }

Object with error property that contains a string with error message in format:

  • code
  • slash
  • description in English

Usually: 7/No match

Order of events

Remember about volumeChanged, it may happen anytime between those events.

In case of success:

  1. start - triggered twice (see explanation above),
  2. partialResults, usually triggered multiple times when partially recognized text is available,
  3. end,
  4. partialResults may still be triggered now, probably because while recognition stops and no data is send to server anymore the server may still push the data for previously received voice data,
  5. results - final results.

In case of error (voice not recognized):

  1. start - triggered twice (see explanation above),
  2. end,
  3. partialResults (with empty string, but may not be triggered)
  4. error - final results.

In case of error (no Internet connection since beginning):

  1. start - triggered once,
  2. error.

In case of error during recognition (connection lost in the middle):

  1. start - triggered usually twice, may be triggered once if connection is lost just after starting the recognition,
  2. partialResults, may not be triggered if connection is lost quickly, may be triggered multiple times,
  3. end (probably only if start was triggered twice),
  4. error - usually there is few seconds gap between end and error.

In case of stopping recognition in the middle:

Stopping means just forcing recognizer to think that nothing is being said anymore.

  • If something was recognized before stopping - events will be the same as in success case.
  • If nothing was recognized before stopping - events will be the same as in error.

In case of cancelling recognition in the middle:

Cancelling means ignoring everything - stopping in the middle with no ending events being sent.

  • If something was recognized before cancelling - events will be the same as in success case, but end and results will never be triggered.
  • If nothing was recognized before cancelling - only start event will be triggered.