Tutorial: How to use

How to use

How to use react-native-voice-oop

This library exports default VoiceToText class and EVENTS object with events names.

In the opposite to react-native-voice this library aims to allow typical OOP style and discourage using of globals.

See start method for full featured example.


Constructor takes no arguments.


import VoiceToText from "react-native-voice-oop";

const voice = new VoiceToText();


destroy takes no arguments.

It is very important to destroy instance when it is not needed anymore. This prevents memory leaks.


import React from "react";
import VoiceToText from "react-native-voice-oop";

class MyElement extends React.Component {
    componentDidMount() {
        this.voice = new VoiceToText();

    componentWillUnmount() {
        this.voice = null;

If this particular instance started voice recognition - it will be cancelled, results and future events of that recognition will be completely ignored. You don't need to detach listeners (see below).


Arguments list:

  • {string} eventName - event name to listen too. Use @{link EVENTS} exported constant to provide with event name,
  • {function} listener - function to be invoked when event happens.

You can attach multiple listeners to the same event.


import React from "react";
import VoiceToText from "react-native-voice-oop";

class MyElement extends React.Component {
    componentDidMount() {
        this.voice = new VoiceToText();
        this.voice.addEventListener("results", this.handleVoiceResults.bind(this));
        // ^ it is safe to use `bind` there, as `destroy` will remove all listeners for you

    handleVoiceResults({ value }) {
            text: value[0],

    // remember to destroy on unmount


Arguments list:

  • {string} eventName - event name. Use @{link EVENTS} exported constant to provide with event name,
  • {function} listener - function that should be removed from listeners of specified event.

Remember that fn.bind() creates each NEW function each time. Therefore this won't work as expected:

Bad example:

import React from "react";
import VoiceToText from "react-native-voice-oop";

class MyElement extends React.Component {
    componentDidMount() {
        this.voice = new VoiceToText();

    addListeners() {
        this.voice.addEventListener("results", this.handleVoiceResults.bind(this));

    removeListeners() {
        this.voice.addEventListener("results", this.handleVoiceResults.bind(this));
        // ^ wrong, .bind will return new function, another one that returned in `addListeners`, so listener won't be
        // removed

    // remember to destroy on unmount

Good example:

import React from "react";
import VoiceToText from "react-native-voice-oop";

class MyElement extends React.Component {
    componentDidMount() {
        this.voice = new VoiceToText();
        this.boundHandleVoiceResults = this.handleVoiceResults.bind(this)

    addListeners() {
        this.voice.addEventListener("results", this.boundHandleVoiceResults);

    removeListeners() {
        this.voice.addEventListener("results", this.boundHandleVoiceResults);

    // remember to destroy on unmount


Arguments list:

  • {string} locale - locale in which you expect the voice to be recognized. On Android voice recognizer may try to handle different locales anyway.

Starts recognizing.

Throws an error - if another instance is already recognizing. Use static VoiceToText.isRecognizing(); method to check if recognizing is in progress.


import React from "react";
import { Text, View } from "react-native";
import VoiceToText, { EVENTS } from "react-native-voice-oop";

class MyElement extends React.Component {
    constructor() {
        this.state = {
            text: "",

        this.handlePress = this.handlePress.bind(this);

    componentDidMount() {
        this.voice = new VoiceToText();
        this.voice.addEventListener(EVENTS.results, this.handleResults.bind(this));

    handleResults({ value }) {
            text: value[0],

    handlePress() {
        if (!VoiceToText.isRecognizing()) {

    render() {
            <Text onPress={this.handlePress}>Start!</Text>
            <Text>Recognized text: {this.state.text}</Text>



stop takes no arguments.

Stops recognizing. If something was recognized before stopping - results event will be triggered. If nothing was recognized - error event will be triggered.

See Event names and data for more information.


import React from "react";
import VoiceToText from "react-native-voice-oop";

class MyElement extends React.Component {
    componentDidMount() {
        this.voice = new VoiceToText();

    handleStartPress() {

    handleStopPress() {


cancel takes no arguments.

Cancels recognizing. Partial results will be discarded and no results or error event will occur.

See Event names and data for more information.


import React from "react";
import VoiceToText from "react-native-voice-oop";

class MyElement extends React.Component {
    componentDidMount() {
        this.voice = new VoiceToText();

    handleStartPress() {

    handleCancelPress() {