
A tiny and fast lodash-inspired utils library.


Documentation can be found here: bottom-line documentation.


npm install bottom-line-utils


Import just desired method (recommended):

import get from "bottom-line-utils/get";

Import just desired method (not recommended, tree shaking is harder, but if you're sure about your bundler it's cleaner to import few methods this way):

import { get } from "bottom-line-utils";

Import whole library:

import _ from "bottom-line-utils";

Import just desired method transpiled to ES5 (but you should transpile the library yourself if really needed):

import get from "bottom-line-utils/dist/get";

Import just desired method transpiled to ES5 (not recommended way):

import { get } from "bottom-line-utils/dist";

Import whole library transpiled to ES5:

import _ from "bottom-line-utils/dist";


Lodash complexity that causes big bundle sizes just for using single function. Lodash is trying to cover each possible use case, even very rare while typical observed use case of lodash is basic methods used on basic data. As an example, let's take a _.pick method that simply returns an object, based on source object, with just some properties copied. Easy, right? Few lines of code? Lodash makes that 114 imports.

bottom-line aims to:

  • cover only most typical use cases,
  • add useful methods that are missing in lodash,
  • not include non-useful/rare methods that are present in lodash,
  • not being 100% compatible replacement for lodash/underscore, but keeping most of behavior identical,
  • not being a "polyfill" (no map/forEach etc.),
  • not being inconsistent or trying to guess user intentions (lodash does that, see tests for get),
  • perform fast and have code size small.


Underscore was taken. Low-dash (lodash) was taken. How else could I name a line on the bottom?

Oh, about npm name. bottom-line is free. But NPM encourages to use it just until you try to publish the package. Then it says the name is too similar to another package (not telling which one). It happens to me way too often :( I've run out of ideas to I just went with bottom-line-utils.

PS. Underscore character is often used for utils JS libraries. Dollar is taken by jQuery and other DOM related libraries. Others easy to type on standard layout keyboard, non a-z characters aren't valid JS variable name starters. So I followed the rest and personally I am going to use my library as _.

Supported methods

  • get
  • getMultiple (exclusive, compared to lodash)
  • insertSeparator (exclusive)
  • isEmpty
  • last
  • mapValues (exclusive features)
  • set
  • setImmutable (exclusive)

Methods will be added as I need them. I am open for suggestions and PRs. See next heading for list of methods that I want to add.

Methods to be supported

  • pick
  • omit (TODO)


  • unit tests with mocha & must.js
  • es6+ first approach, with es5 transpiled version to be found inside dist folder *

* - transpiling kills JS engines optimizations, makes codes longer and tree shaking harder to do and/or slower

To do for 1.0.0

  • make a list of important methods to include in this library
  • prepare a build script to mess-free development and easy importing like import _get from "bottom-line/get"
  • consider making all methods non-crashy, as some already are
