import get from "./get";
const DEFAULT = {};
* Returns first found value at given list of paths of given object. Will return and stop at undefined if found. If
* nothing is found then default value (required to pass) will be returned.
* @param {Object} source - source object to search in
* @param {*} defaultValue - default value to return if nothing is found
* @param {...string|Array.<string>} paths - paths defined as dot-separated properties names or array of properties name
* @see {@link get} - for base usage example with single path only
* @example getMultiple(obj, 5, "details.error.message", ["error", "message"], "errorMessage")
* // will look for obj.details.error.message - if path does not exist
* // will look for obj.error.message - if not defined
* // will look for obj.errorMessage - if not defined
* // will return 5
* @returns {*} - found value or default value
const getMultiple = (source, defaultValue, ...paths) => {
const length = paths.length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const properties = paths[i];
const result = get(source, properties, DEFAULT);
if (result !== DEFAULT) {
return result;
return defaultValue;
export default getMultiple;