const getPrototypesNames = obj => {
const MAX_DEPTH = 100;
const result = [];
let i, currentPrototype;
i = 0;
currentPrototype = obj;
while (currentPrototype && i++ < MAX_DEPTH) {
const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(currentPrototype);
if (proto && {
const repeatedPrototypeName = result[result.length - 1] ===;
if (!repeatedPrototypeName) { // hide side effect of this library
currentPrototype = proto;
return result;
const getMessage = (error, message) => {
return message || (error && error.message) || "";
const getDetails = (error, details) => {
return details || (error && error.details) || null;
const MAX_ARGUMENTS = 3;
const parseArguments = (...args) => { // eslint-disable-line max-statements
let sourceError, message, details;
const invalidArguments = () => {
throw new TypeError("Invalid arguments passed into error");
if (args.length > MAX_ARGUMENTS) {
const useArgs = args.filter(a => a != null); // get rid of nulls and undefined
const errors = useArgs.filter(a => a instanceof Error);
const errorsLength = errors.length;
if (errorsLength > 1) {
const strings = useArgs.filter(a => typeof a === "string");
const stringsLength = strings.length;
if (stringsLength > 1) {
const objects = useArgs.filter(a => typeof a === "object" && !(a instanceof Error));
const objectsLength = objects.length;
if (objectsLength > 1) {
if (errorsLength) {
sourceError = errors[0]; // accessing non-existing property is slower than this if
if (stringsLength) {
message = strings[0];
if (objectsLength) {
details = objects[0];
return {
sourceError, message, details,
const enhanceToString = array => {
Object.defineProperty(array, "toString", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
value: function toStringCustom() { // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign
return "(" + + ")";
writable: true,
return array;
* @param {string} stack
* @param {string} name
* @param {string} message
* @param {ErrorOptions} options
* @private
* @returns {string} new stack trace
const cleanUpStack = (stack, name, message, { cleanStackTraces }) => {
let newLines;
const lines = stack.split("\n");
const newFirstLine = name + (message ? ": " + message : "");
lines.shift(); // remove name/message line
lines.shift(); // remove first line of stack as it contains internal call we don't need
if (cleanStackTraces) {
newLines = lines.filter((line) => {
return !(/at .* \(internal.*:\d+:\d+\)/.test(line));
else {
newLines = lines;
return newFirstLine + "\n" + newLines.join("\n");
* @typedef {Object} ErrorOptions
* @property {boolean} cleanStackTraces - should stack trace be cleaned up from node internals
* @typedef {Error} CustomError
* @property {string} name - error name
* @property {string} message - error message
* @property {string} stack - error stack trace
* @property {Object} details - error details
* @property {Array.<Array|string>} names - hierarchy of extended/parent error names
const defaultOptions = {
cleanStackTraces: true,
* Creates new custom Error constructor.
* @param {string} name - error name
* @param {Error} ParentError - Error to inherit from (built-in or custom error)
* @param {ErrorOptions} options - options to override global options
* @returns {CustomError}
const createError = (name, ParentError = Error, options) => { // eslint-disable-line max-lines-per-function
const useOptions = Object.assign( // eslint-disable-line prefer-object-spread
* Creates custom error object instance. Arguments order doesn't matter.
* @param {Error|Object|string|void|null} arg1 - parent error instance or error message or error details object
* @param {Error|Object|string|void|null} arg2 - parent error instance or error message or error details object
* @param {Error|Object|string|void|null} arg3 - parent error instance or error message or error details object
* @returns {CustomError}
* @constructor
const CustomError = function CustomError(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
if (!(this instanceof CustomError)) {
return new CustomError(arg1, arg2, arg3);
const { sourceError, message, details } = parseArguments(arg1, arg2, arg3);
const names = enhanceToString([name]);
if (sourceError) {
if (sourceError.names) {
else {
const useMessage = getMessage(sourceError, message);
Object.defineProperties(this, {
name: {
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
value: name,
writable: true,
names: {
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
value: names,
writable: true,
message: {
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
value: useMessage,
writable: true,
details: {
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
value: getDetails(sourceError, details),
writable: true,
stack: {
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
value: cleanUpStack(new Error().stack, name, useMessage, useOptions),
writable: true,
CustomError.prototype = new ParentError();
return CustomError;
export default createError;